Dr. Andreas Stadler

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Practice areas
- IT and technology law (particularly IT contract law such as software licensing, hardware and project contracts, EVB-IT contracts, outsourcing projects, ASP contracts, e-commerce, design of Web portals, data protection law)
- General contract law and drafting of general terms of business
- Conflict management and litigation
- Research and development projects, consortium and cooperation agreements
- Industrial property protection and competition law
- Copyright and media law
- International private law
- Product safety and product liability
Companies in the IT sector and other technology sectors, particularly automotive and mechanical engineering, electric drive systems and energy storage systems, fuel cell technology, plastics technology, software, knowledge management systems and search technology, industrial computer systems, e-commerce, IT service providers, hospitals and healthcare providers, insurance companies, public-sector bodies
Curriculum vitae
Brief biography of Dr. Andreas Stadler
- Born in 1970
- Law studies at Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
- Legal internship in Munich
- From 1998 to 2000 freelance work at the Munich office of the international law firm Linklaters
- 2000: Lawyer in Munich at Wendler Tremml Rechtsanwälte, Munich
- 2001: doctoral degree (Dr. jur.) from Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, with a thesis on constitutional property principles, supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Badura, second assessor: Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Hans-Jürgen Papier, former president of the Federal Constitutional Court
- 2004: Partner at Wendler Tremml Rechtsanwälte, Munich
- since 2005: listed under the frequently recommended lawyers for IT in JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien
- since 2007: Lecturer at DeutscheAnwaltAkademie for IT law
- since 2010: Listed in BestLawyers for IT law
- 2011: Founding partner of TCI Rechtsanwälte München
- 2012: Honored by Best Lawyers as “Lawyer of the Year 2012 Information Technology Munich”
- since 2013: listed in Handelsblatt as one of Germany’s best lawyers
Publications and lectures
Lectures and publications (selected)
Hardwareverträge [Hardware Contracts] (with Christian Kast)
Beck’sches Mandatshandbuch IT-Recht, München 2011
Press: Auer-Reinsdorff/Conrad
Kauf einer EDV-Anlage (Standardhardware und -software) [Purchasing an computer system (Standard Hardware and Software)]
Handbuch der IT-Verträge, Köln 2010
Press: Redeker
General Terms of Business (AGBs)
Key Aspects of German Business Law, 4th ed. 2008
Press: Wendler/Tremml/Buecker
Der Softwarepflegevertrag [Software Maintenance Agreements] (with Prof. Dr. Jochen Schneider, Martin Schweinoch, Isabell Conrad)
lecture manuscript of Deutsche AnwaltAkademie and DAV IT-Recht, 2007
Press: Deutsche AnwaltAkademie
Garantien in IT-Verträgen nach der Schuldrechtsmodernisierung [Guarantees in IT Contracts after the Reform of the German Law of Obligation]
Press: CR 2006, 77
Haftungsrisiken bei Übernahme von Beschaffenheitsgarantien in IT-Verträgen nach neuem Recht [Liability Risks in Assumption of Quality Guarantees in IT Contracts under New Laws]
Press: ITRB 2004, 233
Teaching Activity
- Lecturer at the Deutsche AnwaltAkademie in the specialist course in IT law on themes including computer contract law
- In-house seminars and workshops in the above sectors
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik (DGRI) [German Association of Law and Informatics]
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Informationstechnologie im Deutschen Anwaltsverein (DAVIT)[Working Group on Information Technology at the German Bar Association]
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein (DAV)
- Münchener Anwaltverein e.V.[Munich Bar Association]