Markus Schmidt
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Practice areas
- IT law, particularly contract law
- Telecommunications law
- Copyright and intellectual property law (patent and trademark law) and competition law
- Public procurement law/government contracts law
- Software
- Hardware
- Telecommunications
- Public administration
- Plant engineering
- Renewable energies
- Management consultancy
Curriculum vitae
Brief biography of Markus Schmidt
- Born in 1965
- Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich Law School
- Law clerkship at Munich Superior Court
- Admitted to the bar in 1994
- 1994-1994: Associate at Heussen Braun von Kessel
- 1997-2002: Heuking Kühn Lüer Heussen Wojtek, as of 2000 partner
- 2002-2004: Partner at GÖRG Rechtsanwälte
- 2004-2011: Partner at Wendler Tremml Rechtsanwälte
- since 2011: Partner at TCI Rechtsanwälte Berlin
Publications and lectures
Lectures and publications (selected)
Vertrag zur Lieferung eines kompletten EDV-Systems [Manual of IT Contracts]
Handbuch der IT-Verträge, Cologne, 2002/2010
Press: Redeker
Projektvertrag [Project Contracts]
Handbuch der IT-Verträge, Cologne, 2002/2010
Press: Redeker
Web-Design-Verträge [Web Design Contracts]
Vertragsrecht der Internet-Provider, Cologne, 2nd ed. 2004
Press: Spindler
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein (DAV)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft for Informationstechnologie Arbeitsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein [DAVIT] [working group for IT law at the German Bar Association]
- Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V. (BITKOM)