Product Safety and Product Liability
Complex technical products involve safety risks. If a safety risk is found in a product or has even already caused damage, there is not only a lot at stake for a manufacturer financially, but his reputation may also be at risk. We support you in minimizing damage in every way.

How we work
- We provide comprehensive advice before product safety problems or product liability incidents arise: risk assessment and minimization
- We provide integrated advisory services that incorporate PR issues and take your company’s interests and economic factors into account
- We are experienced in dealing with technical norms and standards
- We have comprehensive experience in handling cross-border product recalls and product liability cases in cooperation with foreign attorneys
- We work efficiently and always have your costs in view
- Whereever possible, we work completely digitally and paperless
How we excel
- Special expertise in product safety and product liability cases involving a complex technical background
- We make a point of directly communicating with your engineers and technicians
- We learn how your products work.
- We familiarize ourselves with the technical facts underlying the case.
- We place particular emphasis on a clear account when presenting the technical issues and our legal conclusions to courts and arbitral tribunals.
- We not only explain the key technical issues to the court using words, but also with images, diagrams or videos.
What we can do for you
- Provide risk management advice on product liability issues
- Advise on developing contingency and emergency plans
- Represent your interests before product safety authorities
- Advise on how to coordinate and implement E.U. and global product recalls
- Assist in preparing materials for and relating to product recalls (standard letters, newspaper advertisements, website design, POS information displays, press releases)
- Advise and represent you in recourse disputes between suppliers and manufacturers with respect to the reimbursement of product recall costs
- Conduct litigation before German courts
- Conduct mediation proceedings in Germany and abroad (both as counsel and as mediator)
- Assist in litigation before foreign courts in close cooperation with foreign law firms
Our members have experience in the following areas (selection)
- Advisors to a manufacturer of electrical components on product safety and declarations of conformity
- Advice on product compliance of POS payment terminals
- Advisors to several fitness equipment manufacturers on regulatory product safety requirements prior to product launch, including revisions to user instructions and product descriptions
- Advice on the use of artificial intelligence (AI)
- Advisors and counsel to a manufacturer of chemicals on the coordination and implementation of a worldwide product recall, including representation against the product safety authority and against the supplier for reimbursement of recall costs
- Advisors and counsel to a foreign hardware manufacturer in connection with a complaint by the product safety authority that limit values in accordance with RoHS had been exceeded
- Advisors to a medical products distributor regarding CE labeling
- Advisors and counsel to a U.S. electronics company for the coordination and implementation of an E.U. product recall
- Advisors and counsel to a U.S. software manufacturer in a dispute over data loss
- Advisors and counsel to an automotive supplier in a dispute over the cause of damage
- Advisors and counsel to an automotive supplier in a dispute over the reimbursement of recall costs