Norman Müller

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Practice areas
- IT contract law
- Drafting and negotiation of software license agreements
- Public procurement law, particularly IT procurement law
- IT project crisis advice, conflict management
- Data protection law
- Legal issues concerning IT security
- German federal ministries, including Ministry of the Interior
- Member of Working Party on Supplementary Terms of Contract for the Procurement of IT Supplies/Service (EVB – IT)
- German federal, regional and municipal offices
- Large and medium-sized companies in the IT industry
Curriculum vitae
Brief biography of Norman Müller
- Born in 1967
- Humboldt University Berlin Law School
- Law clerkship in Berlin
- Research assistant and research associate at Institute for the Law of Information and Communication technology [Institut für das Recht der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik], Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schlink, Humboldt University Berlin
- General manager of Logilex GmbH
- Partner at Wendler Tremml Rechtsanwälte (2002-2011)
- Founding Partner of TCI Rechtsanwälte Berlin
Publications and lectures
Lectures and publications (selected)
Die neuen EVB-IT Systemlieferung, Eine Vorstellung ausgewählter Regelungen im Vergleich mit den EVB-IT System [The New EVB-IT System Delivery Agreement: A comparison of selected regulations with the EVB-IT System Agreement]
(with Patrick Spitzer and Elisabeth Keller-Stoltenhoff
Press: Computer und Recht 2010, 147 ff.
Die Konditionenverträge des Bundes mit Microsoft [Federal condition contracts with Microsoft]
Juristisches Know-how für IT-Projektleiter [Legal know-how for IT project managers]
Einführung in die EVB-IT [Introduction to EVB-IT]
EVB-IT Intensiv [EVB-IT intensive]
EVB-IT Systemverträge [EVB-IT system contracts]
Teaching Activity
Public seminars for ‘Behördenspiegel’, a provider of training conferences for senior civil servants and in-house trainings on various topics:
- EVB-IT (Vertragsbedingungen der öffentlichen Hand für IT-Leistungen), [Terms of contract IT services to the public sector]
- IT-Vergabe,[Government contracts in the IT sector]
- Microsoftlizenzierung, [Microsoft licensing]
- Lizenzmanagement insbesondere bei der öffentlichen Hand, [license management, particularly in the public sector]
- Juristisches Know-how für IT-Projektleiter,[Legal know-how for IT project managers]
- IT-Projektmanagement [IT project management]
- Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V. (BITKOM)